![Choosing ISP](/Go%20paperless%20-2-.png)
Save Paper, Go Green is a very popular mantra among conservationists working to save the environment. Every year, the world produces more than 300 million tons of paper and over 60% of the timber harvested worldwide each year is used for paper and its products. However, by going paperless, there are numerous benefits to the environment
Besides these benefits, going paperless by adopting a school ERP software also offers multiple benefits to schools, students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
But what does going paperless entail?
Going paperless essentially meaning adopting a digital system such as a school ERP software that allows for the electronic creation and storage of documents and files to manage school data instead of the traditional format of the paper.
Benefits of School ERP To Schools:
Traditionally schools generate a lot of data from the academic records of students, to financial details, medical data, administration related information and this often mounts to reams and reams of paper that need to be collated, sorted and stored.
By going paperless with a school ERP system, it becomes easy to manage and store this data in a hassle-free manner. Additionally, the school ERP system adds an element of security to this data so that is cannot be accessed by unauthorized individuals.
For the authorized individuals looking for data, it ensures that there is real time access and any change made in the system can immediately be seen and approved.
Benefits of School ERP SoftwareTo Students:
Today, students are digitally savvy, and many learners prefer learning online through games, tablets, websites than traditional textbooks. For these students online learning options that are available at the click of a mouse help improve their classroom experience as well as appeals to their learning style. Using an ERP school system with a learning management module will help schools to create a paperless interactive learning environment which appeals to the children of the digital age.
Benefits of School ERP To Teachers:
Going paperless with the help of a school ERP software provides multiple benefits to the teachers. It ensures that routine tasks such as attendance management, test grading, report card management gets taken care of in a seamless and effective manner without any involvement of the teachers. Automation of these tasks frees up time so that the teachers can utilize the classroom time in an effective manner.
Additionally, by going paperless and elimination text books, teachers get an opportunity to provide course materials for students electronically, It also facilitates electronic homework and assignment submission where teachers can access, verify and provide feedback on the same with grades.
Another benefit of going paperless and eliminating the need for a school diary as the school ERP system sends automatic updates to the parents when needed. This way the parents stay updated about the child’s experience in schools and the teachers do not have to spend hours writing notes in the school diary.
Benefits of School ERP Software to Parents:
Going paperless involves the adoption of a school ERP system which then collates and manages all the data for the school. For the parents, this ensures that the automatic system keeps them constantly updated on the happenings in schools, they can track their children in school, stay updated on the whereabouts of the school bus and know that their child is safe in school.
It also makes other processes such payment of fees, admissions, miscellaneous formal procedures easier as the online system allows the parents to complete these procedures from the comfort of their home rather than spend time standing in long serpentine queues.
Recap: Opening the power of HR Module in School ERP
Benefits of ERP System to Administrators:
Going paperless offers multiple benefits to the school administration team as the collation of data and managing the data becomes a lot easier on an online system. School admission data, as well as student-related data, can easily be managed without struggling through reams of data. Additionally, this data can be accessed easily and changes to the same can be managed without any stress.
While there is no denying that going paperless helps to save the environment and reduce waste, there are numerous benefits for a school from going paperless. Today, digital tools for schools and in education are slowly gaining momentum in school and educational institutes around the world.